“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive,and for a while I could not enter,for the way was barred to me.There was a padlock and a chain upon the gate.I called in my dream to the lodge-keeper,and had no answer,and peering closer through the rusted spokes of the gate I saw that the lodge was uninhabited.No□□oke came from the chimney,and the little lattice windows gaped forlorn.Then,like all dreamers,I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me.(昨晚,我梦见自己又回到了曼陀丽庄园。恍惚中,我站在那扇通往车道的大铁门前,好一会儿被挡在门外进不去。铁门上挂着把大锁,还系了根铁链。我在梦里大声叫唤看门人,却没有答应。于是我就凑近身子,隔着门上生锈的铁条朝里张望,这才明白曼陀丽是座阒寂无人的空宅。烟囱不再飘起袅袅青烟。一扇扇小花格窗凄凉地洞开着。这时,我突然像所有的梦中人一样,不知从哪儿获得了超自然的神力,幽灵般飘过面前的障碍物。)”
“每个人都有爱好,每个爱好都有一把开启的钥匙。”肖安然停止了朗诵,开始解释自己成为外文老师的缘由,并转身在黑板上写了一句话,“A man is only as good as what he loves.”