“Master, we are wrong. We are giving us a chance. We will be able to defend this time!”My subordinates are still begging for mercy. I hope the master can let them go. “家主我们错了,再给我们一次机会,这一次我们一定能够防御住的!”属下还在求饶,希望家主能放他们一马。 “It's easy for you to say. Do you know how much money I lost this time? A total of 160billion US dollars, or will you give me 160billion US dollars?”With that, he ignored these people's begging for mercy and directly ordered John next to him. “你们说得倒是轻松,你们知道这次我损失了多少钱吗?整整1600亿美金,还是说放你们一马,你们能够给我1600亿美金?”说完不再理睬这帮人的求饶,直接吩咐了旁边的约翰。 “John, I need you to get rid of this group of people immediately without leaving a trace, so that people in our country can't find it. Can you do it?”James Yar asked John if he could do it. “约翰,我需要你给我马上把这群人处理掉,并且不留一丝痕迹,不能让我们国家人发现,你能做到吗?”詹姆斯-亚询问约翰是否能做到。 John said, "master, you can leave this matter to me. I will deal with them without anyone noticing. It will not harm you!" 约翰说:“家主,这件事您尽管交给我,我绝对神不知鬼不觉的处理掉他们,不会危害到您!” James yah said, "yes, I hope you won't let me down!" 詹姆斯-亚说道:“可以,希望你不会让我失望!” John said, "yes, master, my subordinates are leaving first!" 约翰说:“是,家主,属下先告退了!” After John took the people out, James yah continued: "no one is allowed to say anything about what happened today, including the hacker attack on the company. Otherwise, I will peel your skin and pull out your teeth, and your family will suffer the same torture! If you don't believe it, you can try it!"After saying this, I will go home and plan to deal with the matter tomorrow. 等约翰把人带出去以后,詹姆斯-亚继续说:“今天发生的事儿谁都不许说出去包括公司受到黑客攻击,否则我就将你们的皮剥了,牙拔了,让你们的家人也受到一样的折磨!不信你们可以试试看!”语毕,便要回家,打算明天再去处理这件事。 All of them said with one voice, "OK, master!" 一众人异口同声的说道:“好的,家主!” 所有人都退出了公司。 而King跟Queen也结束了这一家的攻击,正打算去下一家。
第45章 算计11 D国各大世家的网络危机2 在D国被黑客攻击只要自家防御不过来,起诉是没有用的,因为他属于三不管地带。 很快King跟Queen也开启了第二个世家史密斯银行世家的攻击,不过也只有主公司。意思性的盗走了一笔钱财,大概有50亿美金吧!相同的戴维斯石油世家也被盗走了将近40亿左右,最后还给詹姆斯-亚上了一块大蛋糕。 两人做完这件事儿已经晚上十二点了,便都各回各家休息了。 D国早晨八点,卖报的小厮D国大街大声喊道:"One of China's famous asset managers sent the news that they were about to go bankrupt at 1 a.m. last night. I hope all the leaders of country D can help me! Help my James family through this crisis. I will do my best to help them in the future." “我国的著名资产家之一,从昨夜凌晨一点,发出即将破产的消息,希望各位大佬能够帮帮忙!助我詹姆斯家渡过此次危难,他日有事儿,一定鼎力相助。” 小厮看见有很多人围过来,便又立马推销道:"Take a look. Don't miss it when you pass by! This is an opportunity to make a fortune. The James family mainly looks for hackers. Hackers with high technology. Please take one of them to have a look! Maybe you will be the next one to get a high commission!" “看一看呐,走过路过,千万不要错过啊!此次可是个发大财的机会,詹姆斯世家主要找黑客,技术超高的黑客,各位黑客先生赶紧拿一份去看看吧!说不定下一个拿高佣金的就是您了!” 突然有一个黄皮肤的人,走上前,用一口流利的英文询问道:"Do you know what the situation is? Isn't the James family ranked first in the rich list in this country? How could it be so easily damaged?" “你可知道是什么情况?詹姆斯家在这个国家不是富豪榜排名第一吗?怎么会如此这么轻易的就受损?” 另一个小厮将黄皮肤的人拉进巷子说道:"Give me the money, 20 dollars, and I'll tell you why?" “给钱,20美元,我就给你说为什么?” 将20美元递给小厮。 小厮低语道:"According to the proprietary information investigated by our department, the main company of the James family was attacked by hackers yesterday, and it was close to hollowing out the James family. The total assets of the James family were US 192billion, and the US 160billion was hollowed out. I had to find hackers to recover the US 160billion. I must have recovered no less than US 5billion. If I didn't have this technology, I would have done it myself." “听我们部门调查到的专有的信息,昨天詹姆斯世家主公司被黑客攻击了,而且接近将詹姆斯世家掏空,詹姆斯世家总资产1920亿美金,被掏空了1600亿美金,迫不得已才要找黑客人才去追回这1600亿美金。想必追回来一定奖金肯定不少于50亿美金,要不是我没有这个技术,我都自己上了。” 黄皮肤的人一脸欣喜的说道:"Is this news certain to be true?" “这个消息确定是真的吗?” 小厮见他一脸不相信,立马说道:"I told you because you look good. It's absolutely true. If you don't believe me, go and have a try! If you don't say much, you can still make hundreds of millions. We didn't say much. You say yes! If you have hacker friends around you, you can call them quickly! Isn't it a good thing if you have 50-50 points at that time?" “我是看你面善,我才告诉你的,绝对是真的,不信你去试试看!少说不说,还是能赚个好几亿的,我们也没有说多,你说是吧!你身边要是有黑客朋友就赶紧叫上吧!到时候你们五五分,那不是很好的事儿吗?” 黄皮肤的人果然相信了,拍了拍小厮的肩膀说道:"Thank you very much for telling me this information today. If I really make money, I won't lose you a penny. We will have three or seven cents by then!" “非常感谢你能够今天告诉我这些信息,如果我真的赚了钱,我不会少你一分一毫,到时候我们三七分!” 小厮说道:"Brother, don't be so polite. If you really have such a friend, it must be because you are very strong. You earn it by yourself. Don't give me money." “兄弟,不用这么客气,你如果真的有这么一个朋友那肯定也是因为你自身就非常强大,这是你自己凭本事挣得,不用给我钱。” 黄皮肤的人满心欢喜的朝着小厮告别:"Brother, I won't forget you when I get rich someday. I'll go first. See you later!" “兄弟,他日我发了财是不会忘了你的,我就先走了。有缘再见!” 小厮笑意吟吟的欢送着黄皮肤的人,眼底却没有一丝笑意的说道:"Brother, I wish you a lot of money. See you later!" “兄弟,预祝你发大财,有缘再见咯!” 男子刚出去,便掏出手机打电话给了傅琦。而此时还在A国D市的傅琦,昨天才刚哄好自家小妻子,正打算耳鬓厮磨一番,没想到属下就打电话过来了。 “Boss,好消息!好消息!”傅霄激动的说道,比自己要找到媳妇了还要高兴。 原来这个是傅琦的助理,叫傅霄,今天正巧来D国出差,就听见惊天消息,D国富豪榜第一的拳王世家居然遭到了黑客攻击,濒临破产。这可把他高兴坏了,急忙给自家老板打电话说,这时候收购不正是最好的时机吗? “你最好是真的有事情跟我汇报,不然我捏爆你的头!”傅琦咬牙切齿的说道。 傅琦这么一说,傅霄就知道肯定打扰到自家总裁的好事儿了,不过大早上的自家总裁居然还在温柔乡,这实在是不像话,虽然想吐槽,但是不敢的傅霄只好心里腹诽,表面上倒是一本正经的说道:“Boss,D国的富豪榜第一的拳王世家被黑客攻击了,他们家总共1920亿美金的资产被转走了1600亿美金,已经濒临破产了,这会儿若是我们再加以收购,岂不是手到擒来?” “有这么一回事?” “是的,Boss,确实有,今天拳王世家濒临破产在D国已经闹得人尽皆知了。” “这么大的手笔,这黑客是有人指使的,一个人没有那么大的能耐,拳王世家的IT高手也不是吃素的。又或者黑客背后这个人就是想要拳王世家,你先去查查看,千万不要轻举妄动!”傅琦眼底一片凝重,不知道这一次掀起的腥风血雨可会燃到M国,便嘱咐助理做事小心些。 “好的,Boss!”说完便挂了电话。