“When Harry's sixth grade, you take harry to 斯拉格霍恩's house , and want to employ him as potions professor.(雇佣他作为魔药课教授)Because you need Harry to get his memory about soul...”魂器怎么说?乔茜一脸期望地看着邓布利多,希望他能明白,邓布利多没有回答,冲她耸耸肩。
她长叹一声,想办法换个角度形容魂器:“Voldemord wants to live forever,so he made something to place his soul。(安放他的灵魂)”
“The Horcrux” 邓布利多的身体下意识向前探,他紧盯着乔茜,等待她接下来的内容。
“Yes,Hor-呃Horcrux,There are seven Horcruxes。You already destroyed one during summer holiday.It was 冈特's ring.”乔茜缓缓道来,尽量让自己说得准确完全:“But because of the...the re-alive stone?”复活石这样形容,罗琳会不会钻进书里面杀了她,“the stone on the ring.And you put on the ring(带上戒指)because you thought of Ariana(阿莉安娜).”
“Although Snape use the potion in time to stop the death curse on the ring ,you still get hurt and only have one year to live.You asked Snape to kill yourself at the last moment.(尽管斯内普用魔药控制住诅咒蔓延,你的生命依然只剩下一年时间,你命令斯内普在最后时刻杀掉自己)”
乔茜仔细回想,还掰着手指头数了数:“Tom Riddle's diary ,Slytherin's 挂坠盒,Hufflepuff's golden cup,Ravenclaw's 冠冕,the 冈特's ring ,Nagini beside Voldemort,and Harry himself.”有些不知道的她就直接说的中文,邓布利多那么聪明,一定能结合全文读懂自己的意思。
她突然想到了什么,急忙说:“There is one Horcrux in here right now.”
“The golden cup is in 古灵阁,贝拉特里克斯's private library, and the 冠冕 is in the coming and going room in Hogwarts.”原著里小精灵多比将有求必应屋叫做来去屋,她这么翻译也没错吧。
“But I think you will find a way,wont you?”乔茜狡黠地说。
“It would be nice if you could give me a place to stay.And I would be grateful if you could offer me a job.(如果您能给我提供一份工作,我将不胜感激)”乔茜回答。
“这并不难,你可以一直住在这里,小天狼星也同意,但是——”邓布利多沉吟:“如果你想要得到一份能够停留在巫师界的工作,那我可能要想想办法了。”乔茜也清楚这个要求有些困难,但她目前真的不知道该做什么打算,“As you know,I am a Muggle,If I leave here , I will never find the way back.(如果我离开这栋房子,我就再也找不到回来的路)”乔茜的话语中透漏出遗憾,“In my World,Muggles like us all dream of seeing like Hogwarts and Hogsmeade in the wizarding world for real.”(我们这样的麻瓜做梦也想看一看霍格沃茨和霍格莫德村)